What’s in My Damn Face Today?

paper lanterns

Paper lanterns at a wedding.

My young cousin’s wedding was a lovely and fun affair. She’s a Recreation major, which is why every table had its own board game. And really, shouldn’t every round of Chutes & Ladders be served with champagne? But the fun ended whenever I stood up.

Dozens of 2-foot round paper lanterns draped from the ceiling above the major walkways and hung right below my eyeline! It’s possible that the shorter guests looked up at these cobalt blue orbs and felt a wondrous sense of awe and delight. I, on the other hand, spent the night hitting the lanterns with my head like a drunken piñata enthusiast.

Avoiding danger from the ceiling while pretending that you aren’t avoiding danger from the ceiling is also a game, one I call “Concussion Misdirection”. The object is to put everyone at ease while you focus on not getting whacked by ceiling fans, automatic door closers, doorways, etc. I play this game every day. Truthfully, I haven’t stopped playing in 30 years. The gameplay is a bit like Pokémon GO in reverse.

“Gotta avoid them all!”.